Vermont Day School is pleased to welcome Sarah C. Merrill MSN, APRN, JD to the Board of Directors.
Sarah has been a part of the Vermont Day School community since 2018 and is the parent of two current VDS Middle School students. Sarah is a strong believer in independent schools. She attended Indian Mountain School and The Hotchkiss School, both in Connecticut, where she grew up as a faculty child to her educator parents. She values the opportunities that a private school education afforded her both academically and athletically and is eager to inspire the same for all students who attend Vermont Day School.
In addition to her enthusiasm for independent school education, Sarah brings to the Board her experience as a child and adolescent psychiatric nurse practitioner at the University of Connecticut Health Center. She also served as an attorney specializing in health care law and medical malpractice defense at a firm in Waterbury, Connecticut and health care quality and risk management for the State of Vermont Department of Mental Health and BCBSVT. Sarah lives in Fayston, Vermont with her husband and two children who are deeply involved in hockey, baseball, skiing, horseback riding, and soccer.